Monday, August 8, 2016

Python and Javascript Jam Session - A Web Interface for Apt-Cache

Just fun fun.... How easy is it be to make a web interface over the apt suite of tools?  That's what AptPackageShow seeks to explore.  This post will cover aspects of this project that I personally found to be interesting.

Technically, this is not a FUMBLINA project.  The Debian packaging system is already a database of sorts.  No need to drag MySQL into it.  So scratch the M out of the acronym for this project.  No biggie.  There's still plenty of neat stuff to check out.

Building The API

So the first thing to fire up a Python editor to put together an api.  Starting with a file means a short path from coding to seeing actual results.  Said results might be in a terminal shell but that still counts for something.  

For this model interface, we'll work with parts of apt-cache.  The "search", "show", and "stats" sub-commands are of interest here so we build functions to interface with them.  

A lot of the implementation details of the api is just Flask boilerplate and manipulating of string, dictionaries, and lists.  It's fun to do but, to be honest, it's pretty boring to talk about.  The most I can say on that matter is don't do things like this....

That's pretty bad.  If you must write code like this, make sure you refactor it ASAP.  Future You will thank you for it.

Working The Subprocess Module

The check_call function from the subprocess module is a key ingredient for this project.  Here's an example of this....

There are a few takeaways from this experience with invoking outside processes in this way.

  1. If you have to make calls in a context where you'd normally need shell access, set the shell=True option.
  2. Using absolute paths for commands simplifies things.
  3. If you deploy to a test server, make sure the running Python process uses an account with shell permissions.
Someone on Reddit pointed out the shell=True thing in point 1 isn't true.  Setting shell=False actually does turn out to work just fine.  You only need make it True if you run commands that are shell specific.

One last thought on this subtopic.  Running something like this in production feels wrong.  We are allowing shell access to a process that gets information directly from the user.  That strikes me as kind of a bad thing.  So in no way should this be considered an example of secure code.

Building Up An AngularJS Interface

Time to switch from Python to Javascript.  There's this idea that a component style to Angular code means fewer headaches with respect to where your data is available.  This isn't wrong but it isn't completely true either.  For example, component hierarchy for this project looks like this.....

And then there is the thing about having to wire together variables like this....

From there, you're supposed to pass info on like this....

So there's a lot of wiring to think about when you trade your scope hierarchies for component hierarchies.  Those can still be painful in the same way that ANY code hierarchy is painful.  That's why "search results" and "package details" are part of the same component.  It helps keep the hierarchy flatter.

Last Thoughts

What's the point of all this?  This was a fun diversion mainly done out of curiosity in the "What does this button do?" sense.  Having gotten practical experience with Angular components from this, I regret nothing.  I hope you enjoyed reading this little spiel about my project.  Again, go here if you want to see the project for itself and/or play with it.  Have fun!

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